Domestic/Commercial/Industrial Pre/Post type installations

If an existing installation commissioned before October 2009, is not designed and constructed to the requirements of the safety standards as published at that time, the owner/operator shall determine that the equipment is designed, maintained, inspected, tested, and operating in a safe manner. Safe operation and maintenance shall be ensured by procedures, documented and enforced, to address all deviations to the requirements of the safety standards and PER. Any modifications, repair, alterations done on such […]

Who and what is Safety and Technical Advisory Council (STAC)

The STAC was created out of an outspoken need in the Methane Based Gas Industry to have a transparent, non-biased, non-competitive, approachable body for Safety and Technical queries. The body was established on 20 September 2016, under guidance of the Southern African Gas Association (SAGA) and the attendance of interested parties involved in the industry. The creation of STAC under the umbrella of the SAGA is purely an advisory body and directly reporting to SAGA. […]

Issueing of CoC’s for maintenance, repairs etc

PER Reg 2 states ‘’ These Regulations shall apply to the design, manufacture, operation, repair, modification, maintenance, inspection and testing of pressure equipment…’’ The activities as implied require CoC’s to be issued.