Technical Bulletin 4 of 2015 – Registration of Natural and Liquefied Petroleum Gas equipment

Registration of natural and liquefied petroleum gas equipment with the safe gas equipment scheme

  1. The Pressure Equipment Regulations (PER) intrinsically, under various regulations contained within, makes reference to the safe use, application, installation of pressure equipment and permits.
  2. The Department of Labour has mandated the Southern African Gas Association (SAGA) as the Verification Body to register on its behalf all Industrial Equipment that operate above 0,5GJ/h for Natural Gas and above 10kg/h for Liquefied Petroleum Gas as per SANS 329 and 347.
  3. Pressure equipment as per the scope of the Safe Gas Equipment Scheme (SGES) requires a permit to be issued by the Southern African Gas Association NPC before such equipment is placed in the market by the Importer, Supplier or Manufacturer. Rules Governing the scheme is available on request.
  4. Failing to register equipment with the scheme will be regarded as being in non-compliance to the PER and the Department of Labour, Department of Trade and Industry including SARS Customs duly informed.
  5. Importers, Suppliers, Manufacturers and Users need to take cognizance of their duties as stipulated in the PER, especially as to acquiring a permit for pressure equipment. 
  6. Gas Practitioners are guided by Codes of Good Practice as to the issuing of Certificates of Conformity (CoC) for gas installations and are prohibited from making any form of reference within the CoC to the SGES such as ‘pending, waiting approval’, ‘in process of registration’, or any similar or adverse reasons.
  7. The Labour Inspectors are well aware of the PER and SGES requirements and as such will observe compliance to both.


Please contact SAGA Offices on 011 4312016 or 011 4764403 should you require further information in this regard – Yours in Safety

Posted in Technical Bulletin.

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