The new version of the Guidance Notes to the PER Revision 2 was published on 17 November 2017, which introduces significant changes:
Definitions and Guidance Notes (GN) to the effect…
- certificate
- GN “(a) For Regulation 17 a Certificate of Conformance (CoC) is issued by a Gas Practitioner that certifies that the gas installation and pressure equipment conforms to the PER. Where the gas practitioner is also the manufacturer only one certificate is required.”
- GN “(b) certificate of manufacture means written declaration of conformance by the manufacturer or authorised person to the relevant health and safety standard(s) and to the relevant national legislation”
- gas system
- GN “(a) Refer also to the Definition of Reticulation”
- GN “(b) General process piping in processing plants is not deemed to be gas systems but shall comply with the requirements of SANS 347.”
- GN “(d) gas system means reticulation and/or recirculation including all related piping, pressure and safety accessories”
- reticulation
- GN“(d)The design pressure may be more than 200kPa”
- GN “(e) Reticulation means the conveyance of gas by piping from or within a property boundary up to and including the ultimate points of consumption;”
Regulation 17 Guidance Notes (GN) and comments:
- The guidance note as per revision 1 namely ‘’All existing industrial thermal processing combustion and fuel-handling system installations shall comply with the PER and SANS 329 by 31 December 2019’ has been removed from the Guidance Notes Revision 2 and replaced with Guidance notes (j) and (k).
- GN ‘’(d) As from October 2009, all new industrial thermal processing combustion and fuel-handling system installations require a COC to the requirements of SANS 329….’’
- The role differentiation between AIA and gas practitioner. As to GN “(f) Category II and above Pressure Equipment as per SANS 347, AIA’s to counter sign Certificates of Manufacture and not counter sign COC’s of gas practitioners.” As to GN (h), only the gas practitioner and not the AIA issues a CoC for work done as listed.
- GN “(i) On change of ownership of a gas system the certificate of conformity shall be transferred to the new owner (industrial entities) except for domestic or commercial entities servicing the public a new CoC will be required.”
- GN “(k) If an existing installation commissioned before July 2009, is not designed and constructed to the requirements of SANS 329 as published at that time, the user shall determine that the equipment is designed, maintained, inspected, tested, and operating in a safe manner. Safe operation and maintenance shall be ensured by procedures, documented and enforced, to address all deviations to the requirements of SANS 329.”
- GN “(l) Any modifications done on such a system as in note (k) of Regulation 17, it shall comply with the requirements of SANS 329 as published at the time of the modifications and where equipment is replaced on a system constructed before July 2009, such equipment shall be issued with a permit by an organization (refer GN (m) and approved by the chief inspector as referenced in Regulation 5.(3) and a COC issued within the scope of work performed.”
- GN “(m) All pressure equipment imported or locally manufactured for natural gas or LPG installations must be verified and accepted in accordance with Safe Gas Equipment Scheme and Safe Appliance Scheme as mandated by the DoL.”
The above is only an extract of selective and relevant aspects and the reader will be required to review each regulation and its guidance note(s) in its entirety. For a copy of the published Guidance Notes to the PER Revision 2, please contact Elrien Bootha